PROGRAMS Nearly 100 free utilities and mathematical programs in *.cat format to run on CFX, FX1.0/2.0 or FX7400 or later graphics calculators. Includes statistics, probability, sequences and complex numbers.
GAMES Over 100 games all in *.cat format to run on CFX, FX1.0/2.0 or later models. Download free from this site, transmit directly into your calculator with a cable and you'll be playing in seconds.
SCREEN LOGOS Nearly 100 cool screen logos in *.cat format to use with CFX and FX2.0 models. Download free from this site, transmit directly into your calculator with a cable and your calculator will be transformed in seconds.
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CFX v REST Speed tests between the CFX9850G, Algebra FX2.0, Sharp EL9600, HP38G, TI82 and TI83+ graphics calculators. Are you using a quick calculator?
WORKSHEETS Some CFX9850G worksheets and
tasks which illustrate or introduce the most common calculator features used in
the math classroom.
BOOKS A list of publications written to help graphics
calculator users. Some are specifically for certain brands and models whilst
others are of a general nature.
DATA LOGGING This page presents tried and tested ways of
using the Casio EA-100 Data Analyzer in the mathematics and science classrooms.
Links to all major probe manufacturers.